Top 8 Tips to Finish Your Game

Have you ever just sat down, decided to make a game, and had no clue what you are doing? Perhaps you are in a mental block, or simply lack the motivation to continue. 

A game controller on a red backdrop

Today, I will be telling you the best ways you can keep on track, keep your motivation, and get more done. 

1 : Do something that’s yours

It’s quite easy to hop on the newest trend and make games like everything else on the market, but in doing so, you rely on the popularity of another game. The moment that game dwindles in popularity, your game may reach its final limb. Overall, it makes more sense to make a game that takes what was good about the earlier game and add your own style; pizzazz. 

2 : Find a gap in the Market

Sometimes the absolute best thing you can do is quite simple, find a lack of a game type. Perhaps this year there was no new platformer game, or all the shooter games are the same, and somebody needs to break the mold. Generally taking up the empty space is the greatest way to kickstart a game. 

3 : Do what you like

As important as it is to be original, it’s even more important to find something you like to do. Maybe there are too many of a certain genre of game, but if you want to make that game type, make it. It is much more important to find something you like than to always try to be different. 

4 : Take Breaks Regularly

Although it may seem enticing to finish a certain mechanic or level, it’s okay to take a break. If you feel tired, whether physically or mentally, then there is no harm in taking a break. Never be afraid to stop working and hang out with friends or go out for ice cream.

5 : Don’t Work Alone

Regardless of if you can find other developers to work with or if you just have friends on call, having other people with you can be a tremendous help. Although you may occasionally get distracted, it’s worth it considering the massive motivation boost you get. Having people around you are just as important as everything else in the scope of it. 

6 : Plan It out

Sit down and plan what you are going to do, don’t just decide to make a game and sit there for 3 hours unproductive. An effective way is to open a planner (such as Trello) and decide what features you want to insert into your game. If you don’t plan it out, you’ll never get anything done (even a mental map is better than nothing. 

7 : Don’t overhype  

Say you’re working on your game, and you have a chance to go to a convention and share what you have and what you plan to do. In that scenario, the worst thing you can do is promise features that weren’t in the original scope of your game. Don’t promise something that is nearly impossible to deliver. 

8 : Know when to quit 

Once you have finished all your original goals, you are done with your game. It’s fine to release content later as an update, but you have finished your work, it is time to share it. No matter how much it seems you still have more you can do, understand if it wasn’t on the list; it’s not your highest priority. 

With these 8 tips you should be in a better spot to finish your game.

Just one seed away from a better day